Networking Information

What is networking?

Networking is the process of discovering and utilizing existing connections between people. This term also implies moving beyond your immediate network and tapping into other people’s networks, perhaps far-removed from your own. Everyone knows other people and thus already has a network. Genuine networks often stem from friendships or business relationships.

Networking is a planned process. In formal and informal settings, you will interact with and become known to people who can provide information about the world of work, job openings, leads, personal contacts, and employers who are hiring. Networking is about talking with people and obtaining referrals so that every contact you make is based on a referral from a person you know on some level. You may feel a bit awkward asking for help this way in the beginning. It takes skill to network effectively. Networking is a must to uncover job opportunities in the “hidden” job market, which may constitute over 80% of jobs.

The fact is – direct one-to-one contact with people, preferably face-to-face, is by far the most effective way to get a job or internship.

How do I network?

1. Talk about yourself and your goals – the more you talk about your skills and interests, what you have done, what you would like to do and where you’d like to do it, the more likely people will begin to see links between themselves and you. They will begin to share information about their own backgrounds and who they know and where they have been.

2. Ask questions – Most people are flattered if you ask questions about what they do and how they got there, and if you ask for their opinions and advice.

3. Plan – Anticipate when you will be in a position to network and plan what you want to ask, what you want to communicate about yourself and how.

Information retrieved from “Networking & Informational Interviewing” handout from University Career Services at the University of Virginia. For more information check out this handout from University Career Services.

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